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发布时间:2018/12/03 16:08:14   来源:CCS官方网站    浏览量:   分享:







New international report also shows almost 120 countries and territories now require graphic picture warnings on cigarette packages.


TORONTO,  An international report released  by the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) shows there is tremendous momentum worldwide for tobacco plain packaging. There are now 25 countries and territories moving forward with plain packaging, with 9 having adopted the measure and 16 working on it.


The number of countries requiring plain packaging is expected to accelerate further because of the World Trade Organization (WTO) decision on June 28, 2018 that Australia's plain packaging requirements are consistent with WTO's international trade agreements.




多伦多,加拿大癌症协会(CCS)发布的一份国际报告显示,全球范围内卷烟“平装包装”(标准包装)有着巨大的发展势头。 现在有25个国家和地区采用平装包装,其中9个国家和地区已采用了该措施,16个国家和地区正在努力制定这一措施。




The CCS report, Cigarette Package Health Warnings: International Status Report, documents global progress on plain packaging, ranks 206 countries and territories on the size of their health warnings on cigarette packages and lists countries and territories that require graphic picture warnings.


The report found that 118 countries and territories now require picture health warnings on cigarette packages, an increase from 100 in 2016. This represents 58% of the world's population. Canada was the first country to require picture health warnings in 2001.


"There is an unstoppable worldwide trend for countries to use graphic pictures on cigarette packages to show the deadly health effects of smoking and to require plain packaging," says Rob Cunningham, senior policy analyst, Canadian Cancer Society. "Australia was the first country to implement plain packaging in 2012 and now the dominoes are falling."




该报告发现,目前有118个国家和地区需要对卷烟包装进行图片健康警示,比2016年多增加了100个,约涵盖了世界人口的58%。 加拿大是第一个在2001年要求提供图片健康警示的国家。


加拿大癌症协会高级政策分析师Rob Cunningham说:“在卷烟包装上使用警示图形来显示吸烟对健康造成的致命影响,并要求采用平装包装。这是一种不可阻挡的全球趋势。在2012年,澳大利亚是第一个实施平装包装的国家,如今这种平装包装的使用趋势,犹如倾倒而下的多米诺骨牌一般迅速。”



Guidelines under the international tobacco treaty, the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), recommend that countries consider implementing plain packaging. Plain packaging includes health warnings on packages and prohibits tobacco company branding such as colours, logos and design elements. It also requires the brand name to be a standard font size, style and location on the package and the brand portion of each package to be the same colour such as an unattractive brown. Finally, the package format is standardized. Plain packaging regulations put an end to packaging being used for product promotion, increases the effectiveness of package warnings, curbs package deception and decreases tobacco use.


Plain packaging has been implemented in Australia (2012), France (2016), the United Kingdom (2016), Norway (2017), Ireland (2017), New Zealand (2018) and Hungary (2018). It will be implemented in Uruguay (2019) and Slovenia (2020) and is in process or under consideration in Canada, Belgium, Thailand, Georgia, Singapore, Nepal, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Romania, Jersey, Guernsey, Taiwan, Chile, Finland, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.


Cigarette package warnings are a highly cost-effective way to increase awareness of the negative health effects of smoking and to reduce tobacco use. Picture-based warnings convey a more powerful message than a text-only warning and the effectiveness of warnings is known to increase with size.


Guidelines under the FCTC recommend that warnings should:

  • be as large as is achievable;

  • include a rotated series of graphic pictures;

  • be at the top of both the front and back of packages.







  • 图形面积尽可能大;

  • 包括一系列全面覆盖的图片;

  • 分别在包装的正、反面的顶部出现。




Picture warnings are especially valuable for low- and middle-income countries where there are higher rates of illiteracy and where governments may have few resources. Health departments determine the content of warnings and the tobacco industry is responsible for printing the warnings on packages. Examples of graphic picture warnings include a diseased lung or mouth, a patient with lung cancer in a hospital bed and a child being exposed to second-hand smoke.


"It is extremely positive for global public health that almost 120 countries and territories have implemented picture health warnings and that so many are moving toward plain packaging," says Cunningham. "The international momentum poses a threat to tobacco industry sales worldwide and will save lives lost to cancer and other tobacco-related diseases."


In total 107 countries and territories have required warnings to cover at least 50% of the package front and back (on average), up from 94 in 2016 and 24 in 2008. There are now 55 countries and territories with a size of at least 65% (on average) of the package front and back. The top countries ranked by warning size as an average of the front and back of the package are:


1.  92.5% East Timor (Timor-Leste) (85% of front, 100% of back)
2.  90% Nepal (90%, 90%)
2.  90% Vanuatu (90%, 90%) 
4.  87.5% New Zealand (75%, 100%)
5.  85% Hong Kong (S.A.R., China) (85%, 85%)
5.  85% India (85%, 85%)
5.  85% Thailand (85%, 85%)
8.  82.5% Australia (75%, 90%)
9.  80% Sri Lanka (80%, 80%)
9.  80% Uruguay (80%, 80%)


In the 2016 report, Nepal and Vanuatu were top ranked at 90%.




Cunningham 说:“将近120个国家和地区已经实施了图形健康警示,这么多国家正在向平装包装迈进,这对全球公共卫生的发展是极其积极的促进。”这种势头即便对全球烟草业的销售量造成很大威慑,但将挽救更多因癌症和其他烟草相关的疾病而丧生的人们。”


共有107个国家和地区需要烟包图形警告,用以覆盖至少50%的包装正面和背面(平均值),高于2016年的94个和2008年的24个。现在有55个国家和地区,其烟包图形警示面积,至少占正面和反面(平均面积)的65 %。按警示面积的平均值排序后,排前几位的国家是:


1、92.5%东帝汶(Timor Leste)(前85%,后100%)














The report was released  in Geneva, Switzerland, at the 8th session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) being held October 1-6. The report supports the implementation of the FCTC. The FCTC has an obligation for parties to require health warnings that "should be 50% or more of the principal display areas but shall be no less than 30% of the display areas" and may be in the form of, or include, picture warnings. There are now 181 countries that are parties to the FCTC.


This is the 6th Canadian Cancer Society international report on cigarette package health warnings. Previous reports were published in 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016.




这次报告是第六次加拿大癌症协会关于卷烟包装健康警告的国际报告。以前的报告分别发表在2008, 2010, 2012、2014和2016。





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