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发布时间:2012/08/22 10:59:54   来源: 烟草控制资源中心    浏览量:   分享:


Joint Statement

on Establishing the China-United States Partnership on Smoke-free Workplaces


The Ministry of Health (MOH) of the People’s Republic of China and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) of the United States of America issue the following joint statement to establish the China – United States Partnership on Smoke-free Workplaces (CUSW). 中华人民共和国卫生部和美利坚合众国卫生与公众服务部就建立中美无烟工作场所伙伴关系(CUSW)发表以下联合声明:

Noting that tobacco use is a leading cause of death in China and in the United States and kills six million people each year worldwide;  注意到烟草使用是中美两国的主要致死因素,全球每年有600万人因此死亡;

Recognizing that 600,000 of these deaths are attributable to second-hand smoke and not voluntary use; 注意到全球每年有60万人死于因二手烟暴露导致的疾病;

Acknowledging the Ministry of Health’s recent “China Report on the Health Hazards of Smoking,” a landmark report drawing  attention to the over one million deaths caused by tobacco  in China each year; 注意到中华人民共和国卫生部近期发布的一个具有里程碑意义的报告—《中国吸烟危害健康报告》,关注到中国每年有超过100万人死于吸烟相关疾病;

Recognizing that tobacco is estimated to cause 443,000 deaths annually (including deaths from secondhand smoke) in the United States;注意到美国每年约有44.3万人死于烟草相关疾病(包括二手烟暴露);

Acknowledging China’s initiatives to create smoke-free public places since 2009 and the Global Smoke-free Worksite Challenge (GSWC), a public-private partnership for tobacco control launched by the U.S. at the United Nations High Level Meeting on Non-Communicable Diseases in September 2011; 注意到中国从2009年起开始创建无烟公共场所行动以及2011年9月美国在联合国非传染性疾病高级别会议上启动的全球无烟工作场所挑战(GSWC),一个公立—私立伙伴关系的控烟倡议;

Recognizing the growing international movement among health and business leaders to improve the health of their employees by protecting them from second-hand smoke at the workplace; and affirming the important contributions from both the public and private sectors in implementing comprehensive smoke-free and/or tobacco-free policies; 注意到全球越来越多的卫生和企业领导者通过防止工作场所的二手烟暴露来改善其员工健康;认识到公立和私立部门在实施综合无烟和/或无烟草政策中均发挥着重要作用;

Have reached the following understanding: 达成以下共识:

China and the United States announce the establishment of the China – United States Partnership on Smoke-free Workplaces (CUSW), a bilateral public-private partnership.中国和美国宣布建立中美无烟工作场所伙伴关系(CUSW),这是一个双边的公立—私立伙伴关系;

MOH and HHS, along with key partners, are to play critical leadership roles in the CUSW and recruit participation from companies.中华人民共和国卫生部和美国卫生与公众服务部以及相关合作伙伴在CUSW中发挥重要领导作用,将征集企业积极参与;

To highlight and bring attention to the negative impact tobacco has on health, and the role that employers can take in countering this impact, MOH and HHS will host and coordinate, with other key partners, a CUSW launch event on September 7, 2012 in Beijing, China.为关注并强调烟草对健康的负面影响、让企业领导者了解在应对这些影响时可以承担的责任,中华人民共和国卫生部和美国卫生与公众服务部与相关合作伙伴将主办、协调并和其他参与方一起于2012年9月7日在北京召开CUSW启动会;

MOH and HHS, along with key partners, invite all companies to join this initiative and/or participate in the CUSW launch event.  For more information, please contact the CUSW office at 010-63183162/63180156 or cusw2012@163.com. 中华人民共和国卫生部和美国卫生与公众服务部与相关合作伙伴欢迎企业参加这一行动和/或参加CUSW项目启动会。更多信息请联系CUSW项目办公室:电话:010-63183162/63180156,邮箱:cusw2012@163.com。


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